Minutes of a meeting 25th 2024 at 6.00p.m. at Royal British Legion Club
Chairman welcomed all present including Sandy and Donna from Daniel Robinson & Sons and accepted apologies from those who could not attend.
Minutes of the meeting of 21st February 2024 had been circulated and were adopted.
UPDATES and NEWS: *High Street Regeneration-We’ve now been told that work should start ‘June/July’ and that BDC will purchase all containers and then ask HiB to reimburse. We have stipulated that they MUST be of the water retaining type and Amberol representative has been advised to contact Braintree DC. *Stones-All that are to hand have been varnished and are packed in ‘letters’ ready to put out on the sign. *Revamp on W81 bed-Joan advised that Peter has this in hand.*Great British Spring Clean-Chris advised that we met our target of 50 bags collected and work to clear and clean goes on! *HiB Green Bin-should now be ‘on the list’ for collections, fingers crossed! *Mount Hill-Essex County Councillor, Chris Siddall raised the matter of fence panels being left on the bank and that there are some dead branches also that could be washed down onto the path/road. Essex Highways replied that this would be a fly tip matter so BDC should be involved – BDC says that this is Essex CC land so fly tip clearance would be in their court – and the saga goes on! Nothing will happen until there is an accident, or worse. *Willow Park-Linda had reported that there is still not change to dog bin at Willow Park but as she wasn’t at the meeting to report further nothing further can be done at this stage. *Loom Garden-Annie and Mick laid down the membrane and Joan and Annie have planted up the bed. Stones will now need to be put down – date to be advised. Annie has painted the rear of the notice board and cleaned it up, new posters have been made. *Halstead Town Council Assistance-a person has been engaged on a part time contract to help HiB with watering, etc. He lives fairly locally, is in his mid-twenties and at present works with his father. He is a keen gardener but doesn’t claim to have great horticultural knowledge. He is a bit nervous about driving the tractor but will be given instruction. HiB has asked to meet him when he has his induction training and we have asked that we are informed about what exactly he will be doing, where he will be watering, etc. *Donation from Debbie at the Craft Shop in Bridge St.- Debbie donated some samples of varnish for the stones and a letter of thanks was hand-delivered. Debbie said that she would be willing to help HiB with future projects. *Sponsorship – Annie reported positive response to requests for sponsorship and to date £675 has been paid with a promise of a further £1215 to come. Some very positive comments were given to the team and it’s great that businesses want to continue with support. Well done Annie!
EVENTS: *Next community litter pick is planned for 28th April. Meet at 10.30 in Chapel Street Car Park. *Next River Clean event will take place on 5th May. *HiB Plant Sale will be on Saturday 25th May, Joan has purchased plants, some have been offered to us. Pat has knitted some stunning flower displays that will be on sale *Halstead Marathon is 12th May; Margaret T and Helen will be at Star Stile, Annie and Linden will be at exit from Willow Park, Graham and Julia will be at Churchill Avenue, Carol and Dave will be at Portway Court, Chris and Martin will be at Sudbury Rd/Fenn Road junction, Joan and Linda will be at Bois Hall Gdns/Fenn Rd. Junction and Ian and Barry will be at the Leisure Centre Gate. Thanks to all volunteer marshalls any further details will be circulated to all concerned. *Summer Plant Sorting Saturday 18th May. Planting commences Sunday 19th May *Halstead Summer Fayre ’24 will be held on 3rd August. *Annual Town Meeting will be 29th April, 7.15pm
ANGLIA IN BLOOM 2024. Spring Launch was held on Thursday 28th March at the Rugby Club, Wymondham. 4 people from HiB attended plus Joan, Graham and Julia and it was hailed to be more successful than in previous years. This year entries for Its Your Neighbourhood in 2024 will be given a National Garden Gift Token of £15 – to be distributed with certificates in October, we entered 6 areas last year – surely we can beat this in 2024! RHS is looking for any stories related to In Bloom, especially about friendships made through the scheme.
HiB has been given permission from HTC to enter St. Andrew’s Churchyard as a ‘virtual’ entry and BDC has been asked to consider whether the Halstead Cemetery, Public Gardens and the Wild Life area at HPG could be entries from Halstead.
STONES AT ‘HALSTEAD’ BED. Ian Ling will give assistance with mixing the concrete, etc. Existing plants will need to be removed. 50 stones from the Park Pre-School group are the only ones now outstanding and will be collected when ready and varnished ready for inclusion.
WORKING PARTIES: Joan advised the following: Tuesday 30th April – remove planting at the HALSTEAD bed or working in St. Andrew’s Churchyard. Thursday 2nd May – Begin to remove winter bedding. Tuesday 7th May – ‘plant’ stones at HALSTEAD bed or working at St. Andrew’s Churchyard. Thursday 9th May – continue with removal of winter bedding Tuesday 14th May – continue with removal of winter bedding Thursday 16th May – continue with removal of winter bedding. Friday 17th May – assist with unloading of plants Saturday 18th May – Sorting plants at Gate House. Sunday 19th May Planting. Tuesday 21st, Thursday 23rd May – Planting. Saturday 25th May – Plant Stall. Please bring any donations to stall (Weavers’ Court) from 8.30 onwards PLEASE put a label in/on plants if you can. Tuesday 28th /Thursday 30th May – Planting.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS: *HiB will be represented at the Annual Town Meeting on 29th April and will give a resume of what we have done and will continue to do. *Daniel Robinson & Sons have asked HiB to supply 2 hanging baskets and plants for their area in High Street and we have agreed – they to pay for plants and to maintain displays. *Amberol items have been ordered for display at RBLegion – some assistance to take out existing compost and move containers may be needed. *Joyce raised concerns about traffic exiting from the new development on Mount Hill – she witnessed a very ‘close shave’ with a car/cyclist almost colliding. Will be monitored. *Billy offered to strim around the Loom Garden but couldn’t give a date as to when he can do the work. *Margaret E reminded all that photos for the 2025 calendar will be required.
*eThere being no other business meeting closed at 6.45 pm.
Next meeting is Thursday 30th May 2024 6pm at Royal British Legion Club.
Minutes of a meeting 25th 2024 at 6.00p.m. at Royal British Legion Club
Chairman welcomed all present including Sandy and Donna from Daniel Robinson & Sons and accepted apologies from those who could not attend.
Minutes of the meeting of 21st February 2024 had been circulated and were adopted.
UPDATES and NEWS: *High Street Regeneration-We’ve now been told that work should start ‘June/July’ and that BDC will purchase all containers and then ask HiB to reimburse. We have stipulated that they MUST be of the water retaining type and Amberol representative has been advised to contact Braintree DC. *Stones-All that are to hand have been varnished and are packed in ‘letters’ ready to put out on the sign. *Revamp on W81 bed-Joan advised that Peter has this in hand.*Great British Spring Clean-Chris advised that we met our target of 50 bags collected and work to clear and clean goes on! *HiB Green Bin-should now be ‘on the list’ for collections, fingers crossed! *Mount Hill-Essex County Councillor, Chris Siddall raised the matter of fence panels being left on the bank and that there are some dead branches also that could be washed down onto the path/road. Essex Highways replied that this would be a fly tip matter so BDC should be involved – BDC says that this is Essex CC land so fly tip clearance would be in their court – and the saga goes on! Nothing will happen until there is an accident, or worse. *Willow Park-Linda had reported that there is still not change to dog bin at Willow Park but as she wasn’t at the meeting to report further nothing further can be done at this stage. *Loom Garden-Annie and Mick laid down the membrane and Joan and Annie have planted up the bed. Stones will now need to be put down – date to be advised. Annie has painted the rear of the notice board and cleaned it up, new posters have been made. *Halstead Town Council Assistance-a person has been engaged on a part time contract to help HiB with watering, etc. He lives fairly locally, is in his mid-twenties and at present works with his father. He is a keen gardener but doesn’t claim to have great horticultural knowledge. He is a bit nervous about driving the tractor but will be given instruction. HiB has asked to meet him when he has his induction training and we have asked that we are informed about what exactly he will be doing, where he will be watering, etc. *Donation from Debbie at the Craft Shop in Bridge St.- Debbie donated some samples of varnish for the stones and a letter of thanks was hand-delivered. Debbie said that she would be willing to help HiB with future projects. *Sponsorship – Annie reported positive response to requests for sponsorship and to date £675 has been paid with a promise of a further £1215 to come. Some very positive comments were given to the team and it’s great that businesses want to continue with support. Well done Annie!
EVENTS: *Next community litter pick is planned for 28th April. Meet at 10.30 in Chapel Street Car Park. *Next River Clean event will take place on 5th May. *HiB Plant Sale will be on Saturday 25th May, Joan has purchased plants, some have been offered to us. Pat has knitted some stunning flower displays that will be on sale *Halstead Marathon is 12th May; Margaret T and Helen will be at Star Stile, Annie and Linden will be at exit from Willow Park, Graham and Julia will be at Churchill Avenue, Carol and Dave will be at Portway Court, Chris and Martin will be at Sudbury Rd/Fenn Road junction, Joan and Linda will be at Bois Hall Gdns/Fenn Rd. Junction and Ian and Barry will be at the Leisure Centre Gate. Thanks to all volunteer marshalls any further details will be circulated to all concerned. *Summer Plant Sorting Saturday 18th May. Planting commences Sunday 19th May *Halstead Summer Fayre ’24 will be held on 3rd August. *Annual Town Meeting will be 29th April, 7.15pm
ANGLIA IN BLOOM 2024. Spring Launch was held on Thursday 28th March at the Rugby Club, Wymondham. 4 people from HiB attended plus Joan, Graham and Julia and it was hailed to be more successful than in previous years. This year entries for Its Your Neighbourhood in 2024 will be given a National Garden Gift Token of £15 – to be distributed with certificates in October, we entered 6 areas last year – surely we can beat this in 2024! RHS is looking for any stories related to In Bloom, especially about friendships made through the scheme.
HiB has been given permission from HTC to enter St. Andrew’s Churchyard as a ‘virtual’ entry and BDC has been asked to consider whether the Halstead Cemetery, Public Gardens and the Wild Life area at HPG could be entries from Halstead.
STONES AT ‘HALSTEAD’ BED. Ian Ling will give assistance with mixing the concrete, etc. Existing plants will need to be removed. 50 stones from the Park Pre-School group are the only ones now outstanding and will be collected when ready and varnished ready for inclusion.
WORKING PARTIES: Joan advised the following: Tuesday 30th April – remove planting at the HALSTEAD bed or working in St. Andrew’s Churchyard. Thursday 2nd May – Begin to remove winter bedding. Tuesday 7th May – ‘plant’ stones at HALSTEAD bed or working at St. Andrew’s Churchyard. Thursday 9th May – continue with removal of winter bedding Tuesday 14th May – continue with removal of winter bedding Thursday 16th May – continue with removal of winter bedding. Friday 17th May – assist with unloading of plants Saturday 18th May – Sorting plants at Gate House. Sunday 19th May Planting. Tuesday 21st, Thursday 23rd May – Planting. Saturday 25th May – Plant Stall. Please bring any donations to stall (Weavers’ Court) from 8.30 onwards PLEASE put a label in/on plants if you can. Tuesday 28th /Thursday 30th May – Planting.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS: *HiB will be represented at the Annual Town Meeting on 29th April and will give a resume of what we have done and will continue to do. *Daniel Robinson & Sons have asked HiB to supply 2 hanging baskets and plants for their area in High Street and we have agreed – they to pay for plants and to maintain displays. *Amberol items have been ordered for display at RBLegion – some assistance to take out existing compost and move containers may be needed. *Joyce raised concerns about traffic exiting from the new development on Mount Hill – she witnessed a very ‘close shave’ with a car/cyclist almost colliding. Will be monitored. *Billy offered to strim around the Loom Garden but couldn’t give a date as to when he can do the work. *Margaret E reminded all that photos for the 2025 calendar will be required.
*eThere being no other business meeting closed at 6.45 pm.
Next meeting is Thursday 30th May 2024 6pm at Royal British Legion Club.
All welcome. Contacts: Margaret Eskins, Chairman: 01787 269443; Joan Gibson, plants/working parties: 01787 473070. Julia Smith, Secretary 07762587141 email;: jaygrey@btinernet.com
www.halsteadinbloom.org.uk: Facebook: halsteadinbloom; Instagram @halsteadinbloom
Join membership of National Co-op (Colchester Road) and note HiB as your preferred charity to donate .
Minutes of a meeting 25th 2024 at 6.00p.m. at Royal British Legion Club
Chairman welcomed all present including Sandy and Donna from Daniel Robinson & Sons and accepted apologies from those who could not attend.
Minutes of the meeting of 21st February 2024 had been circulated and were adopted.
UPDATES and NEWS: *High Street Regeneration-We’ve now been told that work should start ‘June/July’ and that BDC will purchase all containers and then ask HiB to reimburse. We have stipulated that they MUST be of the water retaining type and Amberol representative has been advised to contact Braintree DC. *Stones-All that are to hand have been varnished and are packed in ‘letters’ ready to put out on the sign. *Revamp on W81 bed-Joan advised that Peter has this in hand.*Great British Spring Clean-Chris advised that we met our target of 50 bags collected and work to clear and clean goes on! *HiB Green Bin-should now be ‘on the list’ for collections, fingers crossed! *Mount Hill-Essex County Councillor, Chris Siddall raised the matter of fence panels being left on the bank and that there are some dead branches also that could be washed down onto the path/road. Essex Highways replied that this would be a fly tip matter so BDC should be involved – BDC says that this is Essex CC land so fly tip clearance would be in their court – and the saga goes on! Nothing will happen until there is an accident, or worse. *Willow Park-Linda had reported that there is still not change to dog bin at Willow Park but as she wasn’t at the meeting to report further nothing further can be done at this stage. *Loom Garden-Annie and Mick laid down the membrane and Joan and Annie have planted up the bed. Stones will now need to be put down – date to be advised. Annie has painted the rear of the notice board and cleaned it up, new posters have been made. *Halstead Town Council Assistance-a person has been engaged on a part time contract to help HiB with watering, etc. He lives fairly locally, is in his mid-twenties and at present works with his father. He is a keen gardener but doesn’t claim to have great horticultural knowledge. He is a bit nervous about driving the tractor but will be given instruction. HiB has asked to meet him when he has his induction training and we have asked that we are informed about what exactly he will be doing, where he will be watering, etc. *Donation from Debbie at the Craft Shop in Bridge St.- Debbie donated some samples of varnish for the stones and a letter of thanks was hand-delivered. Debbie said that she would be willing to help HiB with future projects. *Sponsorship – Annie reported positive response to requests for sponsorship and to date £675 has been paid with a promise of a further £1215 to come. Some very positive comments were given to the team and it’s great that businesses want to continue with support. Well done Annie!
EVENTS: *Next community litter pick is planned for 28th April. Meet at 10.30 in Chapel Street Car Park. *Next River Clean event will take place on 5th May. *HiB Plant Sale will be on Saturday 25th May, Joan has purchased plants, some have been offered to us. Pat has knitted some stunning flower displays that will be on sale *Halstead Marathon is 12th May; Margaret T and Helen will be at Star Stile, Annie and Linden will be at exit from Willow Park, Graham and Julia will be at Churchill Avenue, Carol and Dave will be at Portway Court, Chris and Martin will be at Sudbury Rd/Fenn Road junction, Joan and Linda will be at Bois Hall Gdns/Fenn Rd. Junction and Ian and Barry will be at the Leisure Centre Gate. Thanks to all volunteer marshalls any further details will be circulated to all concerned. *Summer Plant Sorting Saturday 18th May. Planting commences Sunday 19th May *Halstead Summer Fayre ’24 will be held on 3rd August. *Annual Town Meeting will be 29th April, 7.15pm
ANGLIA IN BLOOM 2024. Spring Launch was held on Thursday 28th March at the Rugby Club, Wymondham. 4 people from HiB attended plus Joan, Graham and Julia and it was hailed to be more successful than in previous years. This year entries for Its Your Neighbourhood in 2024 will be given a National Garden Gift Token of £15 – to be distributed with certificates in October, we entered 6 areas last year – surely we can beat this in 2024! RHS is looking for any stories related to In Bloom, especially about friendships made through the scheme.
HiB has been given permission from HTC to enter St. Andrew’s Churchyard as a ‘virtual’ entry and BDC has been asked to consider whether the Halstead Cemetery, Public Gardens and the Wild Life area at HPG could be entries from Halstead.
STONES AT ‘HALSTEAD’ BED. Ian Ling will give assistance with mixing the concrete, etc. Existing plants will need to be removed. 50 stones from the Park Pre-School group are the only ones now outstanding and will be collected when ready and varnished ready for inclusion.
WORKING PARTIES: Joan advised the following: Tuesday 30th April – remove planting at the HALSTEAD bed or working in St. Andrew’s Churchyard. Thursday 2nd May – Begin to remove winter bedding. Tuesday 7th May – ‘plant’ stones at HALSTEAD bed or working at St. Andrew’s Churchyard. Thursday 9th May – continue with removal of winter bedding Tuesday 14th May – continue with removal of winter bedding Thursday 16th May – continue with removal of winter bedding. Friday 17th May – assist with unloading of plants Saturday 18th May – Sorting plants at Gate House. Sunday 19th May Planting. Tuesday 21st, Thursday 23rd May – Planting. Saturday 25th May – Plant Stall. Please bring any donations to stall (Weavers’ Court) from 8.30 onwards PLEASE put a label in/on plants if you can. Tuesday 28th /Thursday 30th May – Planting.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS: *HiB will be represented at the Annual Town Meeting on 29th April and will give a resume of what we have done and will continue to do. *Daniel Robinson & Sons have asked HiB to supply 2 hanging baskets and plants for their area in High Street and we have agreed – they to pay for plants and to maintain displays. *Amberol items have been ordered for display at RBLegion – some assistance to take out existing compost and move containers may be needed. *Joyce raised concerns about traffic exiting from the new development on Mount Hill – she witnessed a very ‘close shave’ with a car/cyclist almost colliding. Will be monitored. *Billy offered to strim around the Loom Garden but couldn’t give a date as to when he can do the work. *Margaret E reminded all that photos for the 2025 calendar will be required.
*eThere being no other business meeting closed at 6.45 pm.
Next meeting is Thursday 30th May 2024 6pm at Royal British Legion Club.
Minutes of a meeting 25th 2024 at 6.00p.m. at Royal British Legion Club
Chairman welcomed all present including Sandy and Donna from Daniel Robinson & Sons and accepted apologies from those who could not attend.
Minutes of the meeting of 21st February 2024 had been circulated and were adopted.
UPDATES and NEWS: *High Street Regeneration-We’ve now been told that work should start ‘June/July’ and that BDC will purchase all containers and then ask HiB to reimburse. We have stipulated that they MUST be of the water retaining type and Amberol representative has been advised to contact Braintree DC. *Stones-All that are to hand have been varnished and are packed in ‘letters’ ready to put out on the sign. *Revamp on W81 bed-Joan advised that Peter has this in hand.*Great British Spring Clean-Chris advised that we met our target of 50 bags collected and work to clear and clean goes on! *HiB Green Bin-should now be ‘on the list’ for collections, fingers crossed! *Mount Hill-Essex County Councillor, Chris Siddall raised the matter of fence panels being left on the bank and that there are some dead branches also that could be washed down onto the path/road. Essex Highways replied that this would be a fly tip matter so BDC should be involved – BDC says that this is Essex CC land so fly tip clearance would be in their court – and the saga goes on! Nothing will happen until there is an accident, or worse. *Willow Park-Linda had reported that there is still not change to dog bin at Willow Park but as she wasn’t at the meeting to report further nothing further can be done at this stage. *Loom Garden-Annie and Mick laid down the membrane and Joan and Annie have planted up the bed. Stones will now need to be put down – date to be advised. Annie has painted the rear of the notice board and cleaned it up, new posters have been made. *Halstead Town Council Assistance-a person has been engaged on a part time contract to help HiB with watering, etc. He lives fairly locally, is in his mid-twenties and at present works with his father. He is a keen gardener but doesn’t claim to have great horticultural knowledge. He is a bit nervous about driving the tractor but will be given instruction. HiB has asked to meet him when he has his induction training and we have asked that we are informed about what exactly he will be doing, where he will be watering, etc. *Donation from Debbie at the Craft Shop in Bridge St.- Debbie donated some samples of varnish for the stones and a letter of thanks was hand-delivered. Debbie said that she would be willing to help HiB with future projects. *Sponsorship – Annie reported positive response to requests for sponsorship and to date £675 has been paid with a promise of a further £1215 to come. Some very positive comments were given to the team and it’s great that businesses want to continue with support. Well done Annie!
EVENTS: *Next community litter pick is planned for 28th April. Meet at 10.30 in Chapel Street Car Park. *Next River Clean event will take place on 5th May. *HiB Plant Sale will be on Saturday 25th May, Joan has purchased plants, some have been offered to us. Pat has knitted some stunning flower displays that will be on sale *Halstead Marathon is 12th May; Margaret T and Helen will be at Star Stile, Annie and Linden will be at exit from Willow Park, Graham and Julia will be at Churchill Avenue, Carol and Dave will be at Portway Court, Chris and Martin will be at Sudbury Rd/Fenn Road junction, Joan and Linda will be at Bois Hall Gdns/Fenn Rd. Junction and Ian and Barry will be at the Leisure Centre Gate. Thanks to all volunteer marshalls any further details will be circulated to all concerned. *Summer Plant Sorting Saturday 18th May. Planting commences Sunday 19th May *Halstead Summer Fayre ’24 will be held on 3rd August. *Annual Town Meeting will be 29th April, 7.15pm
ANGLIA IN BLOOM 2024. Spring Launch was held on Thursday 28th March at the Rugby Club, Wymondham. 4 people from HiB attended plus Joan, Graham and Julia and it was hailed to be more successful than in previous years. This year entries for Its Your Neighbourhood in 2024 will be given a National Garden Gift Token of £15 – to be distributed with certificates in October, we entered 6 areas last year – surely we can beat this in 2024! RHS is looking for any stories related to In Bloom, especially about friendships made through the scheme.
HiB has been given permission from HTC to enter St. Andrew’s Churchyard as a ‘virtual’ entry and BDC has been asked to consider whether the Halstead Cemetery, Public Gardens and the Wild Life area at HPG could be entries from Halstead.
STONES AT ‘HALSTEAD’ BED. Ian Ling will give assistance with mixing the concrete, etc. Existing plants will need to be removed. 50 stones from the Park Pre-School group are the only ones now outstanding and will be collected when ready and varnished ready for inclusion.
WORKING PARTIES: Joan advised the following: Tuesday 30th April – remove planting at the HALSTEAD bed or working in St. Andrew’s Churchyard. Thursday 2nd May – Begin to remove winter bedding. Tuesday 7th May – ‘plant’ stones at HALSTEAD bed or working at St. Andrew’s Churchyard. Thursday 9th May – continue with removal of winter bedding Tuesday 14th May – continue with removal of winter bedding Thursday 16th May – continue with removal of winter bedding. Friday 17th May – assist with unloading of plants Saturday 18th May – Sorting plants at Gate House. Sunday 19th May Planting. Tuesday 21st, Thursday 23rd May – Planting. Saturday 25th May – Plant Stall. Please bring any donations to stall (Weavers’ Court) from 8.30 onwards PLEASE put a label in/on plants if you can. Tuesday 28th /Thursday 30th May – Planting.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS: *HiB will be represented at the Annual Town Meeting on 29th April and will give a resume of what we have done and will continue to do. *Daniel Robinson & Sons have asked HiB to supply 2 hanging baskets and plants for their area in High Street and we have agreed – they to pay for plants and to maintain displays. *Amberol items have been ordered for display at RBLegion – some assistance to take out existing compost and move containers may be needed. *Joyce raised concerns about traffic exiting from the new development on Mount Hill – she witnessed a very ‘close shave’ with a car/cyclist almost colliding. Will be monitored. *Billy offered to strim around the Loom Garden but couldn’t give a date as to when he can do the work. *Margaret E reminded all that photos for the 2025 calendar will be required.
*eThere being no other business meeting closed at 6.45 pm.
Next meeting is Thursday 30th May 2024 6pm at Royal British Legion Club.
Minutes of a meeting 25th 2024 at 6.00p.m. at Royal British Legion Club
Chairman welcomed all present including Sandy and Donna from Daniel Robinson & Sons and accepted apologies from those who could not attend.
Minutes of the meeting of 21st February 2024 had been circulated and were adopted.
UPDATES and NEWS: *High Street Regeneration-We’ve now been told that work should start ‘June/July’ and that BDC will purchase all containers and then ask HiB to reimburse. We have stipulated that they MUST be of the water retaining type and Amberol representative has been advised to contact Braintree DC. *Stones-All that are to hand have been varnished and are packed in ‘letters’ ready to put out on the sign. *Revamp on W81 bed-Joan advised that Peter has this in hand.*Great British Spring Clean-Chris advised that we met our target of 50 bags collected and work to clear and clean goes on! *HiB Green Bin-should now be ‘on the list’ for collections, fingers crossed! *Mount Hill-Essex County Councillor, Chris Siddall raised the matter of fence panels being left on the bank and that there are some dead branches also that could be washed down onto the path/road. Essex Highways replied that this would be a fly tip matter so BDC should be involved – BDC says that this is Essex CC land so fly tip clearance would be in their court – and the saga goes on! Nothing will happen until there is an accident, or worse. *Willow Park-Linda had reported that there is still not change to dog bin at Willow Park but as she wasn’t at the meeting to report further nothing further can be done at this stage. *Loom Garden-Annie and Mick laid down the membrane and Joan and Annie have planted up the bed. Stones will now need to be put down – date to be advised. Annie has painted the rear of the notice board and cleaned it up, new posters have been made. *Halstead Town Council Assistance-a person has been engaged on a part time contract to help HiB with watering, etc. He lives fairly locally, is in his mid-twenties and at present works with his father. He is a keen gardener but doesn’t claim to have great horticultural knowledge. He is a bit nervous about driving the tractor but will be given instruction. HiB has asked to meet him when he has his induction training and we have asked that we are informed about what exactly he will be doing, where he will be watering, etc. *Donation from Debbie at the Craft Shop in Bridge St.- Debbie donated some samples of varnish for the stones and a letter of thanks was hand-delivered. Debbie said that she would be willing to help HiB with future projects. *Sponsorship – Annie reported positive response to requests for sponsorship and to date £675 has been paid with a promise of a further £1215 to come. Some very positive comments were given to the team and it’s great that businesses want to continue with support. Well done Annie!
EVENTS: *Next community litter pick is planned for 28th April. Meet at 10.30 in Chapel Street Car Park. *Next River Clean event will take place on 5th May. *HiB Plant Sale will be on Saturday 25th May, Joan has purchased plants, some have been offered to us. Pat has knitted some stunning flower displays that will be on sale *Halstead Marathon is 12th May; Margaret T and Helen will be at Star Stile, Annie and Linden will be at exit from Willow Park, Graham and Julia will be at Churchill Avenue, Carol and Dave will be at Portway Court, Chris and Martin will be at Sudbury Rd/Fenn Road junction, Joan and Linda will be at Bois Hall Gdns/Fenn Rd. Junction and Ian and Barry will be at the Leisure Centre Gate. Thanks to all volunteer marshalls any further details will be circulated to all concerned. *Summer Plant Sorting Saturday 18th May. Planting commences Sunday 19th May *Halstead Summer Fayre ’24 will be held on 3rd August. *Annual Town Meeting will be 29th April, 7.15pm
ANGLIA IN BLOOM 2024. Spring Launch was held on Thursday 28th March at the Rugby Club, Wymondham. 4 people from HiB attended plus Joan, Graham and Julia and it was hailed to be more successful than in previous years. This year entries for Its Your Neighbourhood in 2024 will be given a National Garden Gift Token of £15 – to be distributed with certificates in October, we entered 6 areas last year – surely we can beat this in 2024! RHS is looking for any stories related to In Bloom, especially about friendships made through the scheme.
HiB has been given permission from HTC to enter St. Andrew’s Churchyard as a ‘virtual’ entry and BDC has been asked to consider whether the Halstead Cemetery, Public Gardens and the Wild Life area at HPG could be entries from Halstead.
STONES AT ‘HALSTEAD’ BED. Ian Ling will give assistance with mixing the concrete, etc. Existing plants will need to be removed. 50 stones from the Park Pre-School group are the only ones now outstanding and will be collected when ready and varnished ready for inclusion.
WORKING PARTIES: Joan advised the following: Tuesday 30th April – remove planting at the HALSTEAD bed or working in St. Andrew’s Churchyard. Thursday 2nd May – Begin to remove winter bedding. Tuesday 7th May – ‘plant’ stones at HALSTEAD bed or working at St. Andrew’s Churchyard. Thursday 9th May – continue with removal of winter bedding Tuesday 14th May – continue with removal of winter bedding Thursday 16th May – continue with removal of winter bedding. Friday 17th May – assist with unloading of plants Saturday 18th May – Sorting plants at Gate House. Sunday 19th May Planting. Tuesday 21st, Thursday 23rd May – Planting. Saturday 25th May – Plant Stall. Please bring any donations to stall (Weavers’ Court) from 8.30 onwards PLEASE put a label in/on plants if you can. Tuesday 28th /Thursday 30th May – Planting.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS: *HiB will be represented at the Annual Town Meeting on 29th April and will give a resume of what we have done and will continue to do. *Daniel Robinson & Sons have asked HiB to supply 2 hanging baskets and plants for their area in High Street and we have agreed – they to pay for plants and to maintain displays. *Amberol items have been ordered for display at RBLegion – some assistance to take out existing compost and move containers may be needed. *Joyce raised concerns about traffic exiting from the new development on Mount Hill – she witnessed a very ‘close shave’ with a car/cyclist almost colliding. Will be monitored. *Billy offered to strim around the Loom Garden but couldn’t give a date as to when he can do the work. *Margaret E reminded all that photos for the 2025 calendar will be required.
*eThere being no other business meeting closed at 6.45 pm.
Next meeting is Thursday 30th May 2024 6pm at Royal British Legion Club.
Minutes of a meeting 25th 2024 at 6.00p.m. at Royal British Legion Club
Chairman welcomed all present including Sandy and Donna from Daniel Robinson & Sons and accepted apologies from those who could not attend.
Minutes of the meeting of 21st February 2024 had been circulated and were adopted.
UPDATES and NEWS: *High Street Regeneration-We’ve now been told that work should start ‘June/July’ and that BDC will purchase all containers and then ask HiB to reimburse. We have stipulated that they MUST be of the water retaining type and Amberol representative has been advised to contact Braintree DC. *Stones-All that are to hand have been varnished and are packed in ‘letters’ ready to put out on the sign. *Revamp on W81 bed-Joan advised that Peter has this in hand.*Great British Spring Clean-Chris advised that we met our target of 50 bags collected and work to clear and clean goes on! *HiB Green Bin-should now be ‘on the list’ for collections, fingers crossed! *Mount Hill-Essex County Councillor, Chris Siddall raised the matter of fence panels being left on the bank and that there are some dead branches also that could be washed down onto the path/road. Essex Highways replied that this would be a fly tip matter so BDC should be involved – BDC says that this is Essex CC land so fly tip clearance would be in their court – and the saga goes on! Nothing will happen until there is an accident, or worse. *Willow Park-Linda had reported that there is still not change to dog bin at Willow Park but as she wasn’t at the meeting to report further nothing further can be done at this stage. *Loom Garden-Annie and Mick laid down the membrane and Joan and Annie have planted up the bed. Stones will now need to be put down – date to be advised. Annie has painted the rear of the notice board and cleaned it up, new posters have been made. *Halstead Town Council Assistance-a person has been engaged on a part time contract to help HiB with watering, etc. He lives fairly locally, is in his mid-twenties and at present works with his father. He is a keen gardener but doesn’t claim to have great horticultural knowledge. He is a bit nervous about driving the tractor but will be given instruction. HiB has asked to meet him when he has his induction training and we have asked that we are informed about what exactly he will be doing, where he will be watering, etc. *Donation from Debbie at the Craft Shop in Bridge St.- Debbie donated some samples of varnish for the stones and a letter of thanks was hand-delivered. Debbie said that she would be willing to help HiB with future projects. *Sponsorship – Annie reported positive response to requests for sponsorship and to date £675 has been paid with a promise of a further £1215 to come. Some very positive comments were given to the team and it’s great that businesses want to continue with support. Well done Annie!
EVENTS: *Next community litter pick is planned for 28th April. Meet at 10.30 in Chapel Street Car Park. *Next River Clean event will take place on 5th May. *HiB Plant Sale will be on Saturday 25th May, Joan has purchased plants, some have been offered to us. Pat has knitted some stunning flower displays that will be on sale *Halstead Marathon is 12th May; Margaret T and Helen will be at Star Stile, Annie and Linden will be at exit from Willow Park, Graham and Julia will be at Churchill Avenue, Carol and Dave will be at Portway Court, Chris and Martin will be at Sudbury Rd/Fenn Road junction, Joan and Linda will be at Bois Hall Gdns/Fenn Rd. Junction and Ian and Barry will be at the Leisure Centre Gate. Thanks to all volunteer marshalls any further details will be circulated to all concerned. *Summer Plant Sorting Saturday 18th May. Planting commences Sunday 19th May *Halstead Summer Fayre ’24 will be held on 3rd August. *Annual Town Meeting will be 29th April, 7.15pm
ANGLIA IN BLOOM 2024. Spring Launch was held on Thursday 28th March at the Rugby Club, Wymondham. 4 people from HiB attended plus Joan, Graham and Julia and it was hailed to be more successful than in previous years. This year entries for Its Your Neighbourhood in 2024 will be given a National Garden Gift Token of £15 – to be distributed with certificates in October, we entered 6 areas last year – surely we can beat this in 2024! RHS is looking for any stories related to In Bloom, especially about friendships made through the scheme.
HiB has been given permission from HTC to enter St. Andrew’s Churchyard as a ‘virtual’ entry and BDC has been asked to consider whether the Halstead Cemetery, Public Gardens and the Wild Life area at HPG could be entries from Halstead.
STONES AT ‘HALSTEAD’ BED. Ian Ling will give assistance with mixing the concrete, etc. Existing plants will need to be removed. 50 stones from the Park Pre-School group are the only ones now outstanding and will be collected when ready and varnished ready for inclusion.
WORKING PARTIES: Joan advised the following: Tuesday 30th April – remove planting at the HALSTEAD bed or working in St. Andrew’s Churchyard. Thursday 2nd May – Begin to remove winter bedding. Tuesday 7th May – ‘plant’ stones at HALSTEAD bed or working at St. Andrew’s Churchyard. Thursday 9th May – continue with removal of winter bedding Tuesday 14th May – continue with removal of winter bedding Thursday 16th May – continue with removal of winter bedding. Friday 17th May – assist with unloading of plants Saturday 18th May – Sorting plants at Gate House. Sunday 19th May Planting. Tuesday 21st, Thursday 23rd May – Planting. Saturday 25th May – Plant Stall. Please bring any donations to stall (Weavers’ Court) from 8.30 onwards PLEASE put a label in/on plants if you can. Tuesday 28th /Thursday 30th May – Planting.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS: *HiB will be represented at the Annual Town Meeting on 29th April and will give a resume of what we have done and will continue to do. *Daniel Robinson & Sons have asked HiB to supply 2 hanging baskets and plants for their area in High Street and we have agreed – they to pay for plants and to maintain displays. *Amberol items have been ordered for display at RBLegion – some assistance to take out existing compost and move containers may be needed. *Joyce raised concerns about traffic exiting from the new development on Mount Hill – she witnessed a very ‘close shave’ with a car/cyclist almost colliding. Will be monitored. *Billy offered to strim around the Loom Garden but couldn’t give a date as to when he can do the work. *Margaret E reminded all that photos for the 2025 calendar will be required.
*eThere being no other business meeting closed at 6.45 pm.
Next meeting is Thursday 30th May 2024 6pm at Royal British Legion Club.
All welcome. Contacts: Margaret Eskins, Chairman: 01787 269443; Joan Gibson, plants/working parties: 01787 473070. Julia Smith, Secretary 07762587141 email;: jaygrey@btinernet.com
www.halsteadinbloom.org.uk: Facebook: halsteadinbloom; Instagram @halsteadinbloom
Join membership of National Co-op (Colchester Road) and note HiB as your preferred charity to donate .
All welcome. Contacts: Margaret Eskins, Chairman: 01787 269443; Joan Gibson, plants/working parties: 01787 473070. Julia Smith, Secretary 07762587141 email;: jaygrey@btinernet.com
www.halsteadinbloom.org.uk: Facebook: halsteadinbloom; Instagram @halsteadinbloom
Join membership of National Co-op (Colchester Road) and note HiB as your preferred charity to donate .
All welcome. Contacts: Margaret Eskins, Chairman: 01787 269443; Joan Gibson, plants/working parties: 01787 473070. Julia Smith, Secretary 07762587141 email;: jaygrey@btinernet.com
www.halsteadinbloom.org.uk: Facebook: halsteadinbloom; Instagram @halsteadinbloom
Join membership of National Co-op (Colchester Road) and note HiB as your preferred charity to donate .
All welcome. Contacts: Margaret Eskins, Chairman: 01787 269443; Joan Gibson, plants/working parties: 01787 473070. Julia Smith, Secretary 07762587141 email;: jaygrey@btinernet.com
www.halsteadinbloom.org.uk: Facebook: halsteadinbloom; Instagram @halsteadinbloom
Join membership of National Co-op (Colchester Road) and note HiB as your preferred charity to donate .
All welcome. Contacts: Margaret Eskins, Chairman: 01787 269443; Joan Gibson, plants/working parties: 01787 473070. Julia Smith, Secretary 07762587141 email;: jaygrey@btinernet.com
www.halsteadinbloom.org.uk: Facebook: halsteadinbloom; Instagram @halsteadinbloom
Join membership of National Co-op (Colchester Road) and note HiB as your preferred charity to donate .
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