28 th February 2024.
Apologies received: There were some apologies from team members.
Chairman Margaret Eskins welcomed all present and acknowledged that this was an AGM
similar to that of 2022and is still compliant with our Constitution.
Chairman Margaret Eskins gave a brief review of 2023 which was, she said, another busy year.
Some new containers had been purchased although the promised Town Centre Regeneration
programme still had not taken place. Consequently there had been no town entry into Anglia in
Bloom 2023 although a virtual entry and some Its Your Neighbourhoods were lodged. HiB took
part in the Annual Christmas Tree event at St. Andrew’s Church and at other events in the town
such as the Torchlight Procession and the decoration of Holy Trinity Church at Christmas. The
celebratory Afternoon Tea at Queen’s Hall in January ’23 had been a success thanks to Marie’s
great catering. Annie and Mike organised a Quiz event which was well supported and Margaret
Tyler, Helen Rose and Karen and Billy Ballard ran a very successful Local Garden Competition.
The Spring Launch for Anglia in Bloom was held at Swiss Garden, Old Warden and members of
HiB attended – and got wet as it poured with rain! Bedding for summer ’23 was purchased from
Plants that Grow at Great Yeldham and plants were of good quality and made a great display.
Chairman thanked Joan for designing all displays and thanked all who assisted with watering
duties. Calendar 2024 had been a success and all who assisted with selling and those who
supplied knitted goods for sale on stalls were thanked. Halstead in Bloom had received many
donations and sponsors this year.
Chairman made the point that nothing would happen if volunteers were not so generous with their
time and efforts and Chairman thanked all those who had helped Halstead to Bloom in 2023.
Secretary Julia Smith had prepared a report that is attached herewith.
A financial report was given and is attached herewith. All Accounts Documents were displayed
and copies of the Balance Sheet and other reports were available. (Please do let me know if you’d
like a copy of any of the reports and if you wish to view the various invoices, etc.)
Election of Officers. There were no nominations for Chairman so existing Chairman. Margaret
Eskins indicated that she would be willing to serve for a further year as Chairman of Halstead in
Bloom. It was proposed that Margaret Eskins should stand as Chairman of Halstead in Bloom for
- Vote for proposal was unanimous. Margaret Eskins was elected as Chairman of Halstead in
Bloom 2024.
There had been no nominations for Secretary or Treasurer so existing Secretary/Treasurer Julia
Smith indicated that she would be willing to serve for a further year as Secretary/Treasurer of
Halstead in Bloom. It was proposed that Julia Smith stand as Secretary/Treasurer for 2024 and.
vote for proposal was unanimous. Julia Smith will stand as Secretary/Treasurer for 2024.
Any Other Business There was no other business.
Chairman thanked all for their input
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